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‘Domestication Rewilded: a framework in eight dimensions for parsing domestication concepts across disciplines’. Society for American Archaeology Conference, Denver (USA), 23-27 April 2025.








'Sadan påvirker din frokost din adfærd [How your lunch affects your behaviour]', in conversation with Professor Tom Gilbert on holobiont science, Verden Forsøgt Forklaret [The researched world, explained], Copenhagen (DK), 24 Oct 2024.


'Flavour, Sustainability, and Transdisciplinarity'. L’Institut Paul Bocuse, Lyon (FR), 17 October 2024.


​'Holobiont Hand Taste: a transdisciplinary invitation'. Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (CZ), 7 October 2024.


'Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems and Societies' plenum roundtable discussion. International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies (ISGSS) Congress, Bra & Turin (IT), 26 September 2024.


'Holobiont Hand Taste'. Holobionts Within: Renavigating Human-Microbe Relations in the Contemporary Lifeworld workshop, Stockholm University (SE), 20 September 2024.


​'Revisioning molecularisation: reorienting molecular approaches towards holobiotic ways of knowing, microbes and beyond' (with Tiff Mak, in absentia). Society for the Social Study of Science–European Association for the Study of Science and Technology joint conference (4S–EASST), Amsterdam (NL), 16 July 2024.


'Toward a Public Science of Food and the Food Microbiome' (with Jamie Lorimer). Microbial Futures Symposium, Aarhus University (DK), 22 May 2024.


'Paradigms of sustainability, food innovation & food culture' (with Eliot Beeby, in absentia). Food & Culture Studies (FOCUS) Research Workshop, Aarhus University (DK), 23-24 May 2024.





'What can the humanities bring to interdisciplinary project teams?' START Center for Sustainable Agrifood Systems workshop, Aarhus University (DK), 11 December 2023.


'Rethinking in systems: developing boundary objects for the social studies of microbes' (with Tiff Mak, in absentia). Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop, University of Gothenburg (SE), 3 October 2023.


'The Fermentation Fetish: Toward a Political Zymology' (with Jamie Lorimer). Ecobiosocial complexities: encounters, critiques, integrations, University of Lausanne, 24 May 2023.


'Translating Terroirs: Relational Design in Food Innovation'. Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design, and Conservation, Copenhagen (DK), 10 May 2023.


'Fermentation for Interdisciplinarity: Challenges and Opportunities'. Laboratory for Anthropology of Environment–Human Relations, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt University, Berlin (DE), 24 April 2023.


'Being Interesting, Becoming Interested: Aesthetic-Ethics of Human–Microbe Relations in Novel Fermentation Practices'. Human–Animal Relations Symposium, Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus University (DK), 21 April 2023.


'Multispecies collaboration: Is it possible?'. Keynote at the Nordic Network for the Social Study of Microbes workshop, Copenhagen (DK), 10 January 2023.





'Consipience: knowing together by tasting together, within and across species'. Part of panel 'Fermentation in the Age of the Anthropocene', Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Cholula (MX), 10 December 2022 (online).


'Poaching Alyssa Paredes' "We Are Not Pests"'. Part of panel 'Poaching The Promise of Multispecies Justice', Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Cholula (MX), 9 December 2022 (online).


'From Critiquing Science to Doing Science Differently: Stories from the Culinary Frontier'. Tufts STS Seminar Series, Tufts University, Boston (US), 2 December 2022 (online).


'Multispecies Gastronomy: considering nonhuman taste'. International Symposium for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies, University of Torino (IT), 24 September 2022.


'Translating Fermentation for flavour, sustainability and interdisciplinarity'. Copenhagen Biosciences Conference on Microbial Foods, Copenhagen (DK), 9 May 2022.


'Sustainable Food Innovation: making new flavours, shaping microbial life, improving the food system'. Microbial Foods Seminar, DTU Center for Biosustainability, Lyngby (DK), 24 January 2022.





'Towards a Public Science of Fermentation and the Food Microbiome' (with Profs. Jamie Lorimer and Rob Dunn). Part of panel 'From Social Science OF Science to Social Science WITH Science in Studying Food', Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Toronto (CA), 7 October 2021.





'The Kimbucha'. Fermenting Feminism, Royal Academy of Art, Copenhagen (DK), 25 October 2018.


'Endless Convivial Experiments'. Fermenting Feminism, Medical Museion, Copenhagen (DK), 24 October 2018.


'Mapping Microbial Multiplicity' panel convenor and presenter. Royal Geographical Society Conference, Cardiff (UK), 29 August 2018.





'Microbial Landscapes'. Keynote for the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery: Food & Landscape, Oxford (UK), 9 July 2018.


'Microbes and Food Fermentation'. Making Microbes Public workshop, University of Oxford (UK), 4 May 2017.


'Insect Silver Bullet'. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven (US), 10 April 2017.





'Interdisciplinarity in Practice'. Cambridge Critical Theory Seminar, University of Cambridge (UK), 7 December 2015.


'Entomophagy and Power'. Insects as Food and Feed—An Interdisciplinary Workshop, Oxford Martin School (UK), 4 December 2015.


'Future of Food' Panellist and 'Eating Insects' Workshop Leader. Eating Through Time: Food, Health & History, New York Academy of Medicine, New York City (US), 17 October 2015.


'Asian Foodways in and out of the Nordic region'. Food, Feeding and Eating In and Out of Asia, University of Copenhagen (DK), 24 June 2015.








'Eating Well with the Woods'. UNECE/FAO Food for Forests/Forests for Food Conference for the International Day of Forests, United Nations Headquarters, Geneva (CH), 20 March 2015.








'The Science and Art of Holobiont Hand Taste'. Tasting Holobionts: the power of microbes to create delicious sustainable foods, hosted by the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics at University of Copenhagen, for the Danish Science Festival (DK), 24 April 2024.




'Innovation is Multiple: experimenting with fermentation traditions for flavour, biodiversity, and sustainability'. Sensory Science Hackathon, Basque Culinary Center, Donostia–San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa (ES), 25 November 2023.


'What is the connection between fermentation, flavour innovation, and biodiversity?'. Stanford Fermented Food and Health Speaker Series, Stanford University (US), 20 March 2015 (online).


Synthetic Ecologies Live: Joshua Evans x Chiara de Leone. Serpentine Galleries, London (UK), 7 February 2023 (online).





'Translating Fermentations: flavour, microbiology, sustainability'. Kojicon, 1 March 2022 (online).





'Novel Fermentations'. Food on the EdgeDublin (IE), 19 October 2021.


'Novel Misos'. Fermentology Speaker Series, NCSU Applied Ecology, 28 January 2021 (online).





'Re-creating Life'. Exhibition: 'Recreation' at Etage Projects, Copenhagen (DK), 19 September 2020.





'Microbial Geography'. Circumference, Aarhus Food Festival, Aarhus (DK), 5 September 2019.


'Novel Fermentation, Microbial Evolution'. Space Fermentation Workshop, MIT Media Lab, 5 June 2019 (online).





'Aquaculture Otherwise'. ArktiskMat Arctic Food Fesival, Mosjøen (NO), 15 Septemnber 2018.


'Fermentation, Symbiosis, and Care' Panelist. Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, Peryton Gallery. Copenhagen (DK), 21 July 2018.





Speaker and Guest Chef. ArktiskMat Arctic Food Festival, Mosjøen (NO), 15-17 September 2017.


'Brooding with Bees'. Multispecies Play Space, Roskilde Festival (DK), 1 July 2017.


'The Science of Flavour' Panellist. Terroir Symposium, Toronto (CA), 29 May 2017.


Q&A and talkback with BUGS screening, New York City (US), 8 April 2017.


Q&A and talkback with BUGS screening, Silliman College, Yale University, New Haven (US), 6 April 2017.





'Living well with wasps'. 21st Australian Gastronomy Symposium, Melbourne (AU), 5 December 2016.


'Scripts and Improvisation' (plenary with David Szanto). 21st Australian Gastronomy Symposium, Melbourne (AU), 4 December 2016.


Speaker at 360 Science Film Festival, Moscow Polytechnic Museum (RU), 29 October 2016.


Q&A Panellist at Guardian Live event for documentary film BUGS, London (UK), 28 September 2016.


Presenting world premiere of documentary film BUGS at Tribeca Film Festival, New York City (US), 16 April 2016.





Speaker at CPH:CONFERENCE, Copenhagen Documentary Film Festival (DK), 10 November 2015.


Master’s Tea Speaker, Calhoun College, Yale University, New Haven (US), 19 October 2015.


'Tasty Rot'. EU research network MicroWine kickoff meeting, Rungsted (DK), 8 September 2015.


Speaker at Danish national political festival Folkemødet, Allinge (DK), 12 June 2015.


'Using Your Guts'. Sangue na Guelra Symposium, Lisbon (PT), 11 April 2015.


'Insects as a Delicacy'. Insects for Food and Feed Debate, Agronomists Academic Union, Copenhagen (DK), 5 February 2015.


'Food Diversity and Deliciousness'. Wellcome Trust Foundation Board, Medical Museion, Copenhagen (DK), 3 February 2015.





'Insects!' Tasting & workshop. Salone del Gusto, Torino (IT), 25 October 2014.


'Food Diversity and Deliciousness'. Talk & workshop. Stadt Land Food, Markthalle Neun, Berlin (DE), 5 October 2014.


'Cooking the Subnature'. Subnature and Culinary Culture, Duke University, Durham (US), 2 October 2014.


'Food Utopias' Panellist. Subnature and Culinary Culture, Duke University, Durham (US), 2 October 2014.


Conversation with Prof. Paul Freedman. Chewing the Fat Speaker Series, Yale Sustainable Food Project, Yale University, New Haven (US), 9 September 2014.


Alumnus speaker, Yale Sustainable Food Program 10-year Anniversary, Yale University, New Haven (US), 28 March 2014.


'Food Diversity and Deliciousness'. Mistura Festival, Lima (PE), 7 September 2014.


'Food Diversity and Deliciousness'. Talk & workshop. Skanör Falster Matfestival, Falsterbo (SE), 17 May 2014.


'Insects as a Delicacy'. Talk & tasting. UNFAO/Wageningen UR Insects to Feed the World Conference, Wageningen University (NL), 15-16 May 2014.


'Food Diversity and Deliciousness'. William Angliss Institute, Melbourne (AU), 5 March 2014.





'The Illustrious Life of Fish Sauce'. Australian Gastronomy Symposium, Newcastle (AU), 7 April 2013.


© Joshua David Evans, 2024

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